Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran ku panjatkan buat Mu Tuhan Yang Maha Pencipta, Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki.. kerana memberikan rezeki buat kami sekeluarga dalam pelbagai cara.. Maha Mendengar rintihan doa-doa kami.. Semoga semuanya selamat dan berada dalam perlindungan Mu, Ya Allah... Amin.

p/s: Tahun ni ada banyak sebab untuk ku bersyukur..Alhamdulillah..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lagu Tema Drama Gemilang: Suatu Ketika

Suatu ketika
Kita pernah tertawa
Suatu ketika
Kita pernah berduka
Memori lalu
Tersemat di hatiku
Buat azimat perjalananmu
Untuk tatapan anak bangsa
Ku titipkan satu cerita
Jadi pedoman untuk semua
Takkan mengalah sebelum melangkah
Impian menjadi haluan cita
Rintangan membakar azam di jiwa
Dan cinta bukan hanya kata-kata
Harapan semua anak merdeka

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sophie Kinsella - Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, by Sophie Kinsella. I've bought this book last year, in the Malaysia Book Fair, but could only find time to read it recently and of course not until I've read The Secret Dreamworld of A Shopaholic (Confessions of A Shopaholic) first. The book is a second hand from Pay Less Books, so it only costs me about RM 16, but it actually worth more than that. What can I say about this book..The book was hilariously fun! It mixed up my emotion.. sometimes I giggled and sometimes I hold my tears when it comes to the part where a brutal article hurt Becky and ruined her life, her career, and her love. But Becky Bloomwood proved that she's a strong-will girl, and could get control of her life. When she used her brain wisely, she could amused everyone and settled all the problems. But that does not changed her mind to get moving to the Big Apple...New York. And leave Luke. 

But that's not the end of have to read it yourself! As for me..I'm going to read the next book from this series.